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/ / 49 Russian Antique Salon & Lifestyle

49 Russian Antique Salon & Lifestyle

21 November

The 49th Russian Antique Salon takes place from November 22 to 26, 2023 in Moscow. Leading galleries present museum-quality works, including paintings by Old Masters and Russian realist artists, bronze sculptures, jewelry, Soviet and European porcelain, icons, interior design objects.

Khankhalaev Gallery presented the works by ZoriktoDashi NamdakovBato Dashitsyrenov, Bato Dugarzhapov. The center of the Khankhalaev Gallery exposition was a new painting by Zorikto Dorzhiev "NARCISSUS" (2023, 200x156 cm, oil on canvas, potal).

22 – 26 Nov
Ilynka St. 4, Moscow
Khankhalaev Gallery
2-43 Booth

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